Thursday, November 30, 2023

Eating potatoes be harmful.


Eating potatoes be harmful

How can eating potatoes be harmful?

Potato is a vegetable that is loved all over the world and eaten in different forms.

But most people do not consider it very beneficial for health, which can be considered as the harm of fast food and French fries.

But is it beneficial for health to make a habit of eating this vegetable every day?

Harmful health effects of eating too many potatoes

Like many foods, if not eaten in moderation, potatoes can cause some side effects which are discussed here.

High blood pressure:

Eating four or more servings of boiled, baked, mashed, or fried potatoes per week is linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, according to a review of three large US studies.

Researchers believe that the high amount of carbohydrates in potatoes and their effect on blood sugar may increase the risk of high blood pressure. Also, other factors, such as the salt and fat content of potato dishes, can also contribute to high blood pressure.

Elevated blood sugar:

Vegetables high in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, can cause blood sugar levels to rise when consumed in excess, particularly in those who have diabetes or insulin resistance. Nonetheless, it's a healthy option to serve potatoes with other veggies and protein at any meal.

If you have diabetes, you should be mindful of your consumption of carbohydrates. The body needs carbohydrates as a primary source of energy. Low blood sugar levels can result from a low carbohydrate diet. Blood sugar is impacted by carbohydrates, so balance is crucial.

Weight gain:

Eating too many potatoes, especially fried or loaded with high-calorie toppings like butter and cream, can lead to weight gain. French fries are a popular snack around the world, they are high in calories because of the high amount of oil used in frying.

Note: This article is for general information. Readers must also consult their physician in this regard.

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Protect Your Skin In Winter.


protect the skin in winter

With the arrival of winter, many medical problems also arise, the most important of which are colds and negative effects on the skin.
It is important to take special care of the skin in winter to maintain its moisture.

Eat fruits and vegetables to keep my skin soft and fresh, but sometimes it seems that I may not be able to get it all from my diet, so 'hyaluronic acid' is the best for it.

Apply it on wet skin after washing your mouth, this acid is easily available in the market. The best recipe for skin hydration.

Apart from this, health experts say that milk protein is perfect for keeping the skin soft in winter, protecting it from lines and wrinkles.

Honey is the best natural moisturizer for this season and its use is very beneficial for cold-affected skin especially when lines and marks on the skin become visible in this season, then it is best to use honey.

Use moisturizer 3 times a day for beautiful and clear skin, the best time to use moisturizer is after showering.

In this way, the sebum from the body does not get lost and stays in the skin, due to which the skin does not dry out and remains soft and smooth.

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Eating with hands.

Eating with hands

 Is eating with your hands healthy or unhealthy?

While eating, most people use spoons and forks, while they prefer to eat with their hands, especially when eating a dish of rice.

However, some people consider eating with hands to be unhealthy and unhealthy, but this is not the case, using hands for eating provides more health benefits than using spoons or forks.

There are also a large number of people who are unaware of the advantages or disadvantages of eating food with their hands. Just as using your hands to eat provides more health benefits than using spoons or forks, eating with your hands can also cause health problems in certain situations.


We have beneficial bacteria in our body and on our skin that protect us from harmful bacteria in the environment. When you put food in your mouth with the help of your fingers, you are unconsciously introducing beneficial bacteria into the body that support proper digestion.

In general, food is consumed rapidly with a spoon and fork; however, eating too rapidly has been linked to blood sugar imbalance.

Eating with your hands, as opposed to spoons, and taking deliberate time to slow down your eating will help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which is increased by this.

Eat slowly:
When you eat with your hands, you eat at a slower pace than using a spoon or fork. Also during this time you are experiencing your food with all your senses which makes your eating process more effective.

Better blood circulation:
Eating with the hands is beneficial as it also exercises the muscles of the hands which helps in blood circulation, the movement of the hands helps in improving the blood flow which has a positive effect on the overall health of the body.

Helps you stay fit:
In addition to the above benefits, according to two studies published in the journal Appetite, researchers found that eating with hands instead of a spoon promotes feelings of fullness and satiety.

Eating with your hands is also much healthier in terms of hygiene because you wash your hands several times a day, whereas spoons or forks etc. are washed only once or twice a day.

Avoid overeating:
Eating with your hands encourages you to eat more slowly, which can help you feel satisfied with less food and prevent overeating and weight gain.


If our hands are not clean, germs can enter through our food and can cause very deadly diseases.

Food can burn our hands if it is overly hot, and long nails can trap food particles that can lead to illness.

Before eating, some lotions, sanitizers, or other substances can be applied to the skin; this can add an extra taste—and sometimes a dangerous one—to your food.

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Heart attack predictor.

Heart attack predictor

With the help of the device, it will be possible to detect the pressure in the arteries of the heart earlier.

Oxford University scientists have developed a device equipped with artificial intelligence that can predict heart attacks.

The research, funded by the British Heart Foundation, was presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. According to the study, data on heart diseases were collected in patients for seven years.

This data, processed with the help of an artificial intelligence tool, could be used to detect heart attacks and high blood pressure in patients for the next ten years.

During the study, 45 percent of patients were spared a life-threatening heart attack due to early diagnosis.

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