Sunday, October 1, 2023

Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods.


Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods

How harmful the use of ultra-processed foods can be to your health, you may not realize it, today's children or adults eat chips with great enthusiasm, but its use is a big problem for your health.

A study has revealed that "ultra-processed" food may increase the risk of depression. Which can get you into trouble in the long run.

Researchers analyzed the dietary choices and mental health of more than 31,000 women aged 42 to 62. The data was obtained from the Nurses' Health Study conducted between 2003 and 2017.

Every four years, all participants had to fill out a food questionnaire, in which they had to indicate whether or not they consumed ultra-processed foods.

Ultra-processed foods were divided into nine categories for the study, including ultra-processed grains, ultra-processed dairy products, savory snacks, sweet snacks, ready-to-eat foods, fats and sauces, processed meats, and beverages. , and artificial sweeteners, etc.

Ultra-processed foods are those that can be preserved for years and contain preservatives, stabilizers, bulking or gelling agents, as well as artificial colors and flavors.

Ultra-processed foods can include soda, sugar-laden breakfast cereals, chips, candy, frozen dinners, chicken nuggets, and packaged soups.

The researchers also looked at other factors that may affect the risk of depression, such as age, body mass index, physical activity, smoking, sleep, chronic pain, alcohol consumption, income, and current medical conditions.

The researchers came to the conclusion that those who consumed large amounts of ultra-processed foods, particularly artificial sweeteners, and beverages with artificial sweeteners, were more likely to report experiencing depression.

This is so because although the brain is not as feeble as other body organs, it still needs nutritious nourishment to maintain its strength and health, but unhealthy nutrients have the opposite impact. 

The study found that the risk of depression increased from 34 percent to 49 percent among those who consumed the most ultra-processed foods.

Researchers believe that avoiding these foods or limiting their consumption can protect oneself from this risk.

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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Dream interpretation.

Just as the importance of sleep for the body cannot be denied, in the same way, good sleep is said to be the one in which a person sees dreams, but the information related to dreams is very limited so far.

Dreams are a collection of moving images, thoughts, feelings, and sensations that arise in our minds involuntarily during certain states of sleep.

About 95 percent of dreams are out of the mind by the time a person wakes up, but dreaming can help you remember long-term memories, Doctors said.

They stated that blind people dream more with other sensory components than sighted people.

Doctors said that a person experiencing nightmares experiences many disturbing emotions, common reactions to nightmares include fear and anxiety, but these quickly fade from the mind.

Nightmares can occur in both adults and children alike, and prominent causes include stress, fear, trauma, emotional difficulties, illness, and the use of certain medications.

According to the neurosurgeon, such nightmares occur in the part of sleep when the eyeballs rotate during sleep and this condition is called REM (rapid eye movement). A person can see the dream clearly.

In this condition, the muscles of the limbs are temporarily paralyzed. Heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and when people wake up during sleep, they often tell strange and illogical stories.

According to experts, a recurring dream is a process of the brain that wants to draw your attention to something in your daily life that you are not paying attention to and when you pay attention or spend time paying attention. Then such dreams stop coming.

Impact Of Electronic Games.

In today's society, children are completely engrossed in electronic games, due to which their education and physical activities are destroyed, parents of children are also worried that their children are all the time playing games.

Research shows that some digital games have positive effects on children's health, while some games have negative effects on children's health.

A report has presented some points that can be addressed to keep children away from the dangers of digital games.

Disadvantages of electronic games:

1. Obesity and weakening of body muscles and vision

2. Increased anger and increased stress

3. Stay away from education

4. Only to become self-absorbed and cut off from others

Experts say wean children away from electronic games. To prevent children from getting addicted to electronic games, experts have given several suggestions, some of which are being presented.

Offer an alternative to games:

It is better to let children participate in other useful activities. In this regard, encourage them towards physical sports, enroll them in a sports club if possible, and also give them books to read to keep them engaged in positive activities.

Cultivate the trend of true friendship:

Enroll the child in different sports or academic clubs to make new friends so that they are not attracted to electronic games. There is no doubt that it is difficult to stop children from playing electronic games, but it is not impossible. To control this tendency, there is a need to fill social gaps and strengthen connections so that children make new friends.

Manage time:

Teach children to manage their time and do everything on time. Study during study time and also schedule time to participate in physical sports. By doing this, they will increase their sense of responsibility and they will not face any problems because the habit they will have from the beginning will always stick to it.

Talk to the children:

Parents should make the children well aware of the dangerous effects of these games and assure them that continuous game playing can be harmful to them.

Set a time limit:

Parents should set aside one hour a day for their children to use the computer or iPad for academic purposes only. Install child safety programs on the computer.

Distance from digital devices:

If your child uses a Box or Playstation, make sure these devices are out of reach all the time. You can allow children to play for a maximum of two hours a day, except on holidays or weekends.

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Walk For Heart Health.

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the main cause of mortality globally, and as heart illnesses are spreading quickly and young people are now becoming victims, they are becoming more prevalent.

This World Heart Day is an effort to address the fact that individuals today have limited access to information on heart health and that government policies are insufficient or ineffective. to enable individuals to take charge of their health.

A recent study conducted in Nashville, Tenn., found that older adults who walked 6,000 to 9,000 steps a day had a dramatically reduced risk of heart disease. He said this rate is 40 to 50 percent. He also said that for people who currently walk less than 3,000 steps a day, if they took an additional 1,000 steps a day, the study found that the risk of heart disease was significantly reduced.

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Friday, September 29, 2023

Vitamins In Cauliflower(گوبھی).

Cauliflower(گوبھی) is the blessing of Allah Almighty which provides you with nutrition as well as healing, Cauliflower(گوبھی) makes our body strong against many diseases and is also very beneficial in various heart diseases.

Cauliflower(گوبھی) is generally considered a winter vegetable, when it comes to taste, it has a dull taste and a cold and dry effect. In our country, it is often cooked with potato which is not suitable as it leads to hypocrisy. Cauliflower(گوبھی) contains phosphorus, vitamin B, and vitamin C, which are useful for dental diseases.

Research shows that a medium-sized cauliflower(گوبھی) contains more vitamin C than cassava, abundant amounts of vitamin K (K), vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, several types of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and folic acid i.e. vitamin B9), fiber, phytochemicals, and important dietary minerals are also present.

Apart from this, cauliflower(گوبھی) has the divine ability to protect against many diseases including cancer. It relieves indigestion and flatulence, and it is considered one of the best blood-purifying vegetables, cauliflower(گوبھی) prevents phlegm and is very useful for gums.

Cauliflower(گوبھی) has diuretic properties among other things and cleanses the blood of harmful effects due to which it has great effects on the skin. In addition to hemorrhoids, Bloody Badi is also very useful for urinary irritation and flow, its use relieves the complaints of stuck boils and hemorrhoids.

Experts believe that instead of cooking cauliflower(گوبھی) in oil and ghee, it should be eaten raw, softened by steaming, or boiled in water, because in these cases its beneficial natural nutrients are preserved. Health Effects of Cauliflower(گوبھی) We should not ignore its stalks and leaves to benefit from it.

Cauliflower(گوبھی) is also beneficial for diabetics as it contains natural substances that lower blood sugar, keeping you healthy.

Experts also say that if you are suffering from chest disease, do not use cabbage, while also do not use it with potatoes, but it is better to use it with ginger and meat.

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