Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Hair Loss Causes.

Hair Loss Causes

Hair plays an important role in making one's personality attractive and if it starts falling then people have to put in a lot of effort to stop it.

It has been observed that in the beginning, if the hair falls, it is not given much attention, and then when the disease increases, medicine and tips are used to stop it. Most of the time, the hair falls out rapidly and the reason is not known.

Experts say that one of the main reasons for hair fall is improper care.

While maintaining and cleaning the hair, people tend to make mistakes that lead to hair fall and this includes washing the hair. The way you wash your hair is very important.

Common mistakes made while washing hair:

One of the most important steps in hair care is washing it. You must exercise patience and gentleness while washing your hair and try to avoid mistakes.

Rub the hair vigorously:

Rubbing the hair unnecessarily should be avoided. Massage is a great practice that increases blood circulation and hair growth but too much massage can be harmful which can cause hair loss.

Avoid scrubbing vigorously when your hair is wet, while vigorous massaging or blow-drying is also harmful.

improper hair washing:

You should wash your hair frequently if you have oily hair to prevent hair loss. Shampoo should be used once or twice a week if the hair is dry.

Depending on the type of hair you have, you should wash it. Additionally, be careful not to allow any form of filth to build up on your scalp as this might result in hair loss.

Hair washing with hot water:

Using hot water frequently will dry out your scalp and damage your hair. Cuticle damage may result from this, as well as a pH balance that is off.

Hair drying:

Keep in mind that your hair is most fragile when it's wet. Gently squeeze the water out of your hair using a microfiber towel and gently hand dry. Do not towel dry hair.

Use of conditioner:

Be sure to apply conditioner after shampooing while taking a shower as it retains moisture in your hair, without conditioner it becomes dry and brittle.

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Best Oil For Skin.

Best Oil For Skin

People use different types of oils for the best skin growth, while some people resort to other things besides oil, so that they look unique from others, including different types of oils which are common. Used for facial massage.

There are dozens of different brands of oils available in the market that are used for better skin growth if we talk about these oils, they include vitamin E oil, castor oil, almond oil, and Sarsuka oil. Accordingly, olive, avocado, and coconut oils are better absorbed by the skin.

There's no denying that olive, avocado, and coconut oils have hydrating and antibacterial properties. Which you can use to remove facial wrinkles and make the skin healthy, the healthy fats in them are absorbed into the skin, which has a very positive effect on your skin.

Avocado, olive, and coconut oils are considered safe for cooking because they are full of healthy ingredients compared to other oils full of trans fats. Touted as a great alternative to moisturizing creams, using olive, avocado, and coconut oils is a great natural way to keep skin soft.

Doctors encourage heart patients to eat foods prepared with mustard oil since it is healthier for food to be prepared with mustard oil than with regular oil.

To prevent wrinkles and keep your skin appearing fresh as you age, avocado, olive, and coconut oils are essential for reducing dryness and preserving skin suppleness.

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Sugar Alternatives For Diabetics.

Sugar Alternatives For Diabetics

There is new bad news for people who avoid sugar consumption some sugar substitutes for them can cause heart problems.

A new study has revealed that the stevia plant, one of the most popular natural alternatives to sugar, can cause serious health problems in people, the most important of which is heart attack.

According to the American TV "CNN", this study proved that there is a connection between the "erythritol" found in the stevia plant and blood clotting, heart attack, and stroke.

The aim of the study was to find chemicals or compounds in a person's blood that could predict a person's risk of heart attack, stroke, or death.

The team began by analyzing 1,157 blood samples from people at risk of heart disease collected between 2004 and 2011. He felt that "Erythritol" plays an important role in this regard.

The researchers evaluated an additional batch of blood samples from over 2,100 persons in the US and an additional 833 samples that were gathered by colleagues in Europe in 2018. around three-quarters of the patients had high blood pressure or coronary artery disease, and around a fifth had diabetes.

Stroke or a heart attack:

The researchers found that high levels of erythritol were linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, or death within three years.

According to a study published in the journal Nature, the risk of heart attack and stroke doubles with every 25% increase in blood erythritol.

High levels of erythritol in the blood, he noted, increase the risk of heart attack or stroke in people with risk factors for heart disease such as diabetes.

The amount of risk was not negligible, according to Dr. Stanley Hazen, the study's principal author and the head of the Center for Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Prevention at the Lerner Research Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in the US.

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Yogurt(دہی) Benefits.


Yogurt Benefits

Eating yogurt(دہی) has very positive effects on human health, but there are some benefits of yogurt(دہی) that you might not know.

A report revealed that if you want to be physically fit but don't have time to exercise, consuming yogurt(دہی) daily can help you achieve your goals.

Yogurt(دہی) has been used for centuries and is considered a superfood because of its amazing health benefits. Experts recommend yogurt(دہی) daily for better health for people of all ages. It is recommended to do.

Yogurt(دہی) is also high in other essential nutrients like protein, which is very beneficial for human muscle growth, while yogurt(دہی) is very low in fat and calories, as one cup of yogurt(دہی) contains only 120 calories.

100 grams of yogurt(دہی) with thousands of good bacteria has 59 calories, 0.4% fat, 5 mg cholesterol, 36 mg sodium, 141 mg potassium, 3.2 g sugar, 11% calcium, 13% vitamins, and 5% cobalt. B6O contains 2% magnesium.

By consuming raita, eating curd, or drinking salty or sweet lassi made from it, one does not feel hungry for a long time and feels very relaxed physically. Yogurt(دہی) has a cooling effect, so its use increases during summer and fasting.

Yogurt(دہی) ingestion regularly lowers the chances of developing conditions including osteoporosis and arthritis. Additionally, phosphorus and calcium are crucial for healthy bones and teeth.

Yogurt(دہی) is considered an essential food for the treatment and growth of damaged muscles for exercisers, nutritionists say, and those who want to maintain the desired healthy weight should consume one cup of yogurt (دہی) daily.

Yogurt(دہی) is also very beneficial for heart health, which is why nutritionists recommend it, especially for patients suffering from heart disease. It is considered the best diet.

Yogurt(دہی) increases the level of cholesterol in the body to a balanced level and also provides relief from diseases like high blood pressure.

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Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods.


Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods

How harmful the use of ultra-processed foods can be to your health, you may not realize it, today's children or adults eat chips with great enthusiasm, but its use is a big problem for your health.

A study has revealed that "ultra-processed" food may increase the risk of depression. Which can get you into trouble in the long run.

Researchers analyzed the dietary choices and mental health of more than 31,000 women aged 42 to 62. The data was obtained from the Nurses' Health Study conducted between 2003 and 2017.

Every four years, all participants had to fill out a food questionnaire, in which they had to indicate whether or not they consumed ultra-processed foods.

Ultra-processed foods were divided into nine categories for the study, including ultra-processed grains, ultra-processed dairy products, savory snacks, sweet snacks, ready-to-eat foods, fats and sauces, processed meats, and beverages. , and artificial sweeteners, etc.

Ultra-processed foods are those that can be preserved for years and contain preservatives, stabilizers, bulking or gelling agents, as well as artificial colors and flavors.

Ultra-processed foods can include soda, sugar-laden breakfast cereals, chips, candy, frozen dinners, chicken nuggets, and packaged soups.

The researchers also looked at other factors that may affect the risk of depression, such as age, body mass index, physical activity, smoking, sleep, chronic pain, alcohol consumption, income, and current medical conditions.

The researchers came to the conclusion that those who consumed large amounts of ultra-processed foods, particularly artificial sweeteners, and beverages with artificial sweeteners, were more likely to report experiencing depression.

This is so because although the brain is not as feeble as other body organs, it still needs nutritious nourishment to maintain its strength and health, but unhealthy nutrients have the opposite impact. 

The study found that the risk of depression increased from 34 percent to 49 percent among those who consumed the most ultra-processed foods.

Researchers believe that avoiding these foods or limiting their consumption can protect oneself from this risk.

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