Friday, August 25, 2023

Baby Brain In Womb.

When you are pregnant, what you eat sustains your growing child in the womb. Therefore, it is crucial to have a balanced diet. However, did you know that a Mediterranean diet can increase your child's intelligence?

  • More information regarding the study 

The cognitive and social-emotional health of your child can be enhanced by a Mediterranean diet, claims this new study based on 626 infants and their mothers in Spain. The JAMA Network Journal reported the findings. Participants in the study were split into three groups. Either 'usual care' was recommended, a Mediterranean diet was advised, or mindfulness-based stress reduction workshops were recommended.

  • Dietary items from the Mediterranean

For pregnant women, a Mediterranean diet includes fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins (poultry, legumes), healthy fats (olive oil, nuts), and low-mercury fatty fish for omega-3s. Prioritize folate-rich greens, eggs for choline, and dairy/alternatives for calcium. Hydration is vital. Moderate red wine is optional. Consult professionals for personalized guidance to ensure proper nourishment for both mother and baby's growth and health.

  • The effect of this diet on developing brains​

Researchers employed a test that assesses the cognitive, linguistic, motor, adaptive, and social-emotional development of infants at birth and at age two.

In comparison to children receiving standard care, the researchers discovered that mothers who consumed the Mediterranean diet had children with "significantly higher scores" for cognitive and social-emotional wellness.

  • Effects of pregnancy-related mindfulness training

In addition, compared to newborns of pregnant women who received standard care, those who were assigned to the mindfulness classes had babies who were more likely to have superior social-emotional well-being.

The parents who practiced mindfulness had lower levels of stress and anxiety than the other study groups, which may have contributed to a decrease in inflammatory hormones and proteins that could have an effect on fetal brain development.

  • A word of advice

As per a doctor's recommendation, "This is an intriguing study that expands upon one that was conducted in a smaller sample in Spain. The results of this study should be interpreted with caution because more than half of the women who participated in it did not finish it, sometimes because they declined to or because they moved and can no longer be reached, according to The Sun. 

Whether the children from these pregnancies would have had the same results is uncertain. As the study was not blinded and participants knew what was happening, it is also unknown if the change in diet or mindfulness directly caused the changes seen. Instead, the doctor suggested that since the participants may have become more motivated, other healthy lifestyle changes that persisted after giving birth may have contributed to the results.

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Thursday, August 24, 2023

Developmental Delay In Children.

Kids' development may be delayed by exposure to phones and tablets.​

According to a recent study, an increase in screen time for infants was related to delays in interaction and problem-solving skills at ages 2 and 4. More than 7,000 children participated in the study conducted in JAMA Pediatrics to better understand the domains of developmental delay, including communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal and social abilities.

Screen Time: What is it?​

According to the study, screen time refers to the amount of time people spend using their smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices, playing video games, and watching television. The amount of time young people spend looking at screens is a growing concern as it leads to inactivity and ultimately obesity. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests limiting children's screen use to one hour per day and getting them involved in fun activities instead.

Which aspects of development progress are most affected?​

The impact of mobile phone use on children's general development has been the subject of numerous research. Communication, daily living skills, socialization, gross and fine motor development, problem-solving abilities, personal and social skills, scores on developmental screening tests, cognitive development, socio-emotional development, language development, attention problems, behavioral issues, and developmental disorders like autism spectrum disorder are the main developmental areas that are impacted. 

What are the conclusions of this latest study? What is the conclusion?

The study's conclusions were drawn from a questionnaire that asked participants how much time they gave their kids to watch TV, watch movies on DVD, play video games, or play online games (including those on their tablets and cellphones). There are five possible responses: None, 1 to 2, 2 to 4 hours per day, or 4 or more. A new study finds that children who spend more than four hours a day looking at screens have impaired speech and problem-solving skills.

​Having fewer screen hours helps kids sleep better and grow more generally.​

Health professionals have recommended parents reduce their children's screen time as it interferes with their sleep cycles and general well-being. According to a report available by the American Optometric Association, Fiona Bull, WHO program manager for surveillance and population-based prevention of noncommunicable diseases, "Improving physical activity, reducing sedentary time, and ensuring quality sleep in young children will improve their physical, mental health, and wellbeing, and help prevent childhood obesity and associated diseases later in life."

​180 minutes should be spent exercising for children ages 1-2.​

The WHO suggests that children aged 1-2 years engage in a variety of physical activities for at least 180 minutes per week. These can be spread out throughout the day and range in intensity from mild to strong. "Sedentary screen time, such as watching TV or videos or playing video games, is not advised for 1-year-olds. Less is better when it comes to sedentary screen time for children under the age of two, according to WHO guidelines based on the recommendations of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity and the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030.

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