Sunday, September 10, 2023

Garlic (لہسن) Health Benefits.


For thousands of years, people have utilized garlic(لہسن), or Allium sativum as it is known scientifically, in both cooking and medicine. Because of the wide range of bioactive substances it contains, it is famous for having many health advantages. Some purported health advantages of garlic(لہسن) include:

Antioxidant Properties:

The antioxidant properties of garlic(لہسن), which include allicin, can help shield your cells from the oxidative damage brought on by free radicals. Cancer risk may be decreased as a result of this.

Heart Health:

Blood pressure and cholesterol reduction are only two of the heart health advantages of garlic (لہسن)that are frequently mentioned. The risk of heart disease may be decreased as circulation is improved.

Lowering Blood Pressure: 

According to some research, taking supplements of garlic(لہسن) may assist hypertensive individuals in lowering their blood pressure, thereby lowering their risk of heart attack and stroke.

Cholesterol Reduction:

Garlic(لہسن) has the potential to reduce both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. As a result, there may be a decreased risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Compounds in garlic(لہسن) have anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation in the body, which contributes to many chronic illnesses, could be decreased as a result.

Immune System Support:

Garlic(لہسن) has long been utilized to strengthen the immune system. Its constituents could improve the body's capacity to fend off diseases and infections.

Antibacterial and Antiviral Properties:

Allicin, a component of garlic(لہسن), has inherent antibacterial and antiviral characteristics that may aid in the treatment of infections, such as the common cold.

Cancer Prevention:

According to certain research, frequent garlic(لہسن) consumption may reduce the chance of developing some cancers, such as colorectal and stomach cancer.

Improved Digestion:

By encouraging the synthesis of digestive enzymes and supporting a healthy gut microbiota, garlic(لہسن) can help with digestion.


Garlic(لہسن) helps the body's natural detoxification processes, aiding in the removal of toxic substances and heavy metals.

Improved Athletic Performance:

Due to its propensity to increase circulation and endurance, some athletes utilize garlic(لہسن) as a natural performance-enhancing substance.

Skin Health:

Garlic's antibacterial and antifungal qualities make it a potential treatment for skin disorders including fungal infections and acne when applied topically.


Including garlic(لہسن) in a well-rounded diet is recommended, despite the numerous potential health benefits it can offer. If you're contemplating a significant increase in your garlic(لہسن) consumption or considering garlic(لہسن) supplements, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, particularly if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications. It's important to note that certain individuals might encounter digestive discomfort or allergic reactions when consuming garlic(لہسن).

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