Depression is becoming a common disease in the present age. In a new research, a new treatment method has been discovered to reduce this disease.
During the fast pace of time, the increasing desires, lifestyle, and desire to get ahead have taken away the peace and tranquility of the people, many people suffer from this stress and even lose their sleep. That is why depression, which was considered a rare disease until a few years ago, is now becoming a common disease and people of all ages and genders are suffering from it.
The research, conducted at Weifeng Medical University in China, concluded that exposure to bright light can help reset the body clock.
The research, also published in the scientific journal PLoS One, reported that 15 trials conducted in seven different countries between 2005 and 2022 were studied and those trials examined light therapy as a treatment for Alzheimer's. was seen
The participants in the study were patients with mild to moderate dementia and were aged between 60 and 85 years.
The study found that light therapy improved the sleep quality of the study participants and they spent less time awake in bed. Whereas dim lighting had less beneficial effects on sleep quality.
In the study, after light therapy, dementia patients were found to be less aggressive and had a reduction in the severity of depressive symptoms.
It should be noted that sleep problems affect 70 percent of people in the early stages of the disease, while Alzheimer's patients have decreased sensitivity due to nerve damage and need more light.
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