Friday, January 26, 2024

Drink To Boost Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is a very important nutrient for human health and is responsible for physical growth, cell reproduction, and blood formation which is easily available in one drink.

Vitamin B12 also helps treat anemia, exhaustion, and tingling or numbness in the hands and feet in addition to regulating basic bodily functions.

It is a vital nutrient that helps produce DNA, maintains the health of blood and nerve cells, and is highly toxic to the body in low concentrations.

Many people these days are deficient in various nutrients, including iron, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. The body requires the proper amounts of these nutrients to function.

If there is a deficiency of any of the essential nutrients, the symptoms are clearly visible and the body has difficulty functioning properly. Pay special attention to diet to correct vitamin B12 deficiency.

Here we are telling you about such a healthy drink, which can compensate for vitamin B12 deficiency to a great extent. Yes! Eat buttermilk to overcome vitamin B12 deficiency

Benefits of buttermilk for optimal health

According to experts to overcome vitamin B12 deficiency, many things in vegetables can increase vitamin B12 levels quickly. Buttermilk made from yogurt is highly effective in increasing vitamin B-12 levels, our body needs 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 per day.

If you drink a cup of buttermilk, the body gets about 0.8 mcg of vitamin B12, which is one-third of that. According to experts, buttermilk water improves intestinal health. It's great for the gut microbiome and gut flora and improves absorption of vitamin B-12 for better gut health.
Our body absorbs vitamin B12 from food in two ways, first by acid in the stomach separating B12 from its protein binding. This B12 then binds to proteins made by the stomach and is absorbed by our body, with the gut flora playing an important role.
According to health experts, buttermilk is a probiotic. So it is very good for gastrointestinal health. If you take salad (prebiotic) with buttermilk (probiotic), this combination will be very good for your body.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Tingling in Hands and Feet.

Hands And Feet Tingling

Numbness in the hands and feet is an unpleasant experience that can scare anyone, often from waking up early in the morning or sitting in one position for a long time.

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This condition is caused by nervous pressure under normal conditions, which ends when the body is moved, but if this happens repeatedly, then it is an alarm bell. Do you know this condition is a disease like diabetes or vitamin deficiency?

The patient feels dizzy after or during the numbness of the hand or foot, it is a sign of great danger that needs immediate attention.

Causes of tingling hands and feet


Diabetes damages the small and fine blood vessels that cause numbness in the hands and feet and increases the risk of reduced mobility, which can cause you to fall.

Vitamin deficiency:

The complaint of numbness in hands and feet is mostly experienced by elderly people or people who eat vegetables because such people are suffering from anemia and their body lacks vitamin B12. There is a shortage of Vitamin B12 deficiency, which causes anemia and nerve damage.

Get hurt:

Injuries to the fingers or toes also cause nerve damage, and people who constantly use tools that vibrate can cause nerve damage and numbness in the hands and feet.

Perform these actions if the hands and feet are numb:

Avoid wearing tight clothes and shoes, if the leg or leg feels numb while sitting, stand up and move the leg to improve blood flow.

To avoid back and neck pain, be careful about lifting heavy weights and avoid moving the body in one way. Be sure to take breaks during whatever you do. Also, in case of any illness or discomfort, consult the nearest doctor.

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Note: The above is based on the general opinion of the physician, no prescription or medicine should be considered as a substitute for the advice of a qualified physician.

Mouthwash Water For The Beauty Of Feet

Beauty Of Feet

Whether men or women, most of the skin care priority is the facial skin, and the feet are neglected even though the feet need your attention as much.

In the winter, the skin of the feet becomes dull due to lack of proper care and the heels start to crack, sometimes they get sore which causes a lot of pain.

Today we will tell you about the benefits of soaking your feet in water mixed with mouthwash so that your feet look no less beautiful.

Add two tablespoons of mouthwash to a tub of water and leave, then soak your feet in it for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry with a towel.

Following this recipe will help remove calloused and sunburned skin on the feet.

Nail fungus will be controlled and completely eradicated with daily use. Apart from this, cracked heels will become soft and clean.

People whose nails break due to weakness will also heal and the skin on the bottom of the feet becomes rough and comes off frequently due to frequent calluses, this problem will also be solved. The complaint of excessive sweating in the feet will also be removed.

The main reason for the effectiveness of this recipe is that it contains disinfectants, sulphur, ascorbic acids, cetylpyridium, hydrogen peroxide, calcium floral enzymes, and zinc chloride pleasents in the mouthwash, which soften even the toughest skin on the feet. 

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Eating Late Night.

Eating After 9 PM

Eating late at night may not seem harmful, but a new study suggests that eating after 9 pm may increase the risk of stroke.

In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers surveyed more than 100,000 French people.

All participants in the study completed 15 food diaries in which they reported their weekday (i.e., weekday) and holiday (i.e., weekend) meal times.

A third of the total number consisted of those who ate before 8pm, while the same proportion consisted of those who ate after 9pm.

During this seven-year study, nearly 2,000 cases of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes, were reported.

People who ate dinner late (after 9 p.m.) were more likely to have a stroke or "mini-stroke" than those who ate before 8 p.m.

According to researchers, humans have evolved to eat early in the day. Studies show that digesting food later increases blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

The study's senior author, Dr. Bernard Sarauer, from the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord in France, said that many people were told not to eat dinner late, and this study suggests that there was some logic to that advice.

"Our society is now 24/7, where people feel like they don't have time, and many of us eat late at night, but people who eat late because they think that As they are busy, their health risks may increase and this trend is more common among women. Further research is needed to confirm the results obtained in the study.

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Note: The above is based on the general opinion of the physician, no prescription or medicine should be considered as a substitute for the advice of a qualified physician.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Home Remedies For Acne.

Acne is a problem that bothers many young boys and girls, they are blackheads or small blackish-yellow nail-like bumps that affect the appearance of the face, they can also appear on the arms and shoulders. 

Medical experts say that these pimples are formed due to the accumulation of dirt and dead cells in the hair roots. But no need to worry, following are easy home remedies to get rid of them.

Although there are many types of medicines, creams, and lotions available to get rid of nail acne, the best remedies are home remedies made with natural ingredients.

Green tea:

Make a paste by combining one tablespoon of dry green tea leaves with a small amount of water. Apply the paste to your pimples and let it sit for two to three minutes. If your skin is oily, leave it on for a little longer to get deeper skin. Wash your face with warm water after the skin has been cleansed and the pores have opened.

Baking Soda:

This is an effective way to get rid of pimples, take two tablespoons of baking soda and mix well in mineral water to make a paste, then apply it on the pimples and massage gently. Allow the mask to dry for some time before washing off, repeat this method once or twice a week.

Juice from lemons:

Lemon juice's vitamins and nutrients are very beneficial for all skin types, so it's also very effective. After rubbing a half-cut lemon on your face for ten minutes, gently wash your face with a few drops of pure honey mixed in. Twice a week, repeat this process.

Take a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, and mix it with a teaspoon of lemon juice, add a pinch of ginger powder, apply this solution all over the face, and leave it on the face for ten to fifteen minutes. Apply, then rinse. Another method is to mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with one tablespoon of pure honey make a thick paste, apply it on the face, and leave it on overnight. Wash it off with water in the morning. Repeat this method for ten days for best results.
Apply pure honey on the face and leave it on for ten minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Barley Porridge:
Take barley porridge as required, add one teaspoon of honey and juice of four tomatoes to it, and make a thick paste, rub it well on the face and wash it off after ten minutes. Repeat this recipe regularly.

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Drinking with straws..

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