Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Mouthwash Water For The Beauty Of Feet

Beauty Of Feet

Whether men or women, most of the skin care priority is the facial skin, and the feet are neglected even though the feet need your attention as much.

In the winter, the skin of the feet becomes dull due to lack of proper care and the heels start to crack, sometimes they get sore which causes a lot of pain.

Today we will tell you about the benefits of soaking your feet in water mixed with mouthwash so that your feet look no less beautiful.

Add two tablespoons of mouthwash to a tub of water and leave, then soak your feet in it for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry with a towel.

Following this recipe will help remove calloused and sunburned skin on the feet.

Nail fungus will be controlled and completely eradicated with daily use. Apart from this, cracked heels will become soft and clean.

People whose nails break due to weakness will also heal and the skin on the bottom of the feet becomes rough and comes off frequently due to frequent calluses, this problem will also be solved. The complaint of excessive sweating in the feet will also be removed.

The main reason for the effectiveness of this recipe is that it contains disinfectants, sulphur, ascorbic acids, cetylpyridium, hydrogen peroxide, calcium floral enzymes, and zinc chloride pleasents in the mouthwash, which soften even the toughest skin on the feet. 

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