Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Eating Late Night.

Eating After 9 PM

Eating late at night may not seem harmful, but a new study suggests that eating after 9 pm may increase the risk of stroke.

In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers surveyed more than 100,000 French people.

All participants in the study completed 15 food diaries in which they reported their weekday (i.e., weekday) and holiday (i.e., weekend) meal times.

A third of the total number consisted of those who ate before 8pm, while the same proportion consisted of those who ate after 9pm.

During this seven-year study, nearly 2,000 cases of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes, were reported.

People who ate dinner late (after 9 p.m.) were more likely to have a stroke or "mini-stroke" than those who ate before 8 p.m.

According to researchers, humans have evolved to eat early in the day. Studies show that digesting food later increases blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

The study's senior author, Dr. Bernard Sarauer, from the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord in France, said that many people were told not to eat dinner late, and this study suggests that there was some logic to that advice.

"Our society is now 24/7, where people feel like they don't have time, and many of us eat late at night, but people who eat late because they think that As they are busy, their health risks may increase and this trend is more common among women. Further research is needed to confirm the results obtained in the study.

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Note: The above is based on the general opinion of the physician, no prescription or medicine should be considered as a substitute for the advice of a qualified physician.

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