Monday, October 9, 2023

Tea benefits.

Tea benefits

In general, most people are heard saying that tea is bad for your health, but health experts have good news for daily tea drinkers.

Recent research suggests that drinking tea without milk daily can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes.

The study involved 2,000 people between the ages of 20 and 80, of which 436 had diabetes and 352 had high blood sugar.

When these people filled out questionnaires about their tea-drinking habits, the results revealed that those who drank tea daily had a 53 percent lower risk of developing high blood sugar or pre-diabetes, in addition to The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced by 47%.

Research has revealed that tea is the best for diabetes protection even after taking into account body weight, age, and lifestyle habits.

Advantages of green tea:

Gaining weight is not in any way good for human health since extra body fat may be harmful to general health and individuals utilize a variety of strategies to lose it.

According to nutritionists, green tea is superior to all other forms of tea because it has very little caffeine and because the antioxidants it contains boost physical energy, enhance digestion, and hasten the fat-burning process.

Nutritionist said that 2 to 3 cups of green tea should be consumed a day, it does not contain sugar at all and it should not be cooked for a long time on the stove.

He said that people suffering from dry cough should not drink green tea at all because it will dry the throat even more, add ginger, coriander, celery, or fennel to it and drink it, it will make the taste even better and also beneficial.

He said that drinking green tea dissolves waist and belly fat, and drinking green tea accelerates the rate of obesity.

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