Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Green Tea Benefits.

Weight gain is not beneficial in any way for human health as excess body fat can be very destructive to overall health which people use different methods to get rid of.

One of these methods is to drink green tea. In this regard, nutritionists inform about the benefits and harms of green tea.

He said that green tea is comparatively better than all types of tea because it has very little caffeine content, and antioxidants present in it increase physical energy, improve digestion, and speed up the fat-burning process.

Nutritionists said that 2 to 3 cups of green tea should be consumed a day, it does not contain sugar at all and it should not be cooked for a long time on the stove.

He said that people suffering from dry cough should not drink green tea at all because it will dry the throat even more, add ginger, coriander, celery, or fennel to it and drink it, it will make the taste even better and also beneficial.

They said that drinking green tea dissolves waist and belly fat, and drinking green tea accelerates the rate of obesity.

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