Sunday, October 29, 2023

Headache Causes.

Headache Causes

Having a headache is a common thing that almost everyone in the world suffers from, but its causes are varied and dozens, which should not be taken lightly.

Headaches can be treated with medications, home remedies, and biofeedback therapy, but sometimes the problem becomes severe enough to require full treatment.

The cause of headache is not only lack of sleep or mental stress, the type of pain varies depending on the intensity and location. Blood pressure is also a major cause of headaches. There are more than 150 types of headaches clinically.

Do not take any medicine without knowing the cause of the pain otherwise, its results will be dangerous because people give importance to the medicine prescribed by the vendor which is not correct in any way.

It is wrong to take disprin in any type of headache, especially children should not be given this tablet at all and adults should not take it on a daily basis.

A few tips to ease headaches:

1. Add plenty of water to your diet.

2. If you have a fever or cold, rest as much as possible.

3. Try to keep yourself calm and stress-free as worry and anxiety increase headaches.

Apart from this, according to 'Harvard Health Publishing', headaches can also be avoided with yoga, meditation, and relaxation therapy.

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How to Sterilize Toothbrush.

Sterilize Toothbrush

It is essential to keep the teeth clean and healthy because if the teeth are damaged or have germs in them, it can affect the overall health of the person.

In today's modern age toothbrush plays a fundamental role in cleaning the teeth and if your brush is not clean and sterile then you can suffer from countless diseases.

Expert dentist Dr. Ellie Phillips believes that your toothbrush can harbor many bacteria that affect oral health. A mediocre toothbrush can also be dangerous for oral health.

Surprisingly, more germs are found on the toothbrush than anywhere else in the home, as the mouth and saliva also contain a variety of enzymes and bacteria.

The humid environment of the bathroom and the wet bristles of the brush also create a favorable environment for the growth of germs. A toothbrush can be kept near the toilet with a few precautions such as keeping the toilet lid closed if it is open, then keeping the toothbrush out of the toilet space.

You can't boil a toothbrush to sterilize it, but be sure to dry it after use. To maintain oral hygiene and brush twice a day, be sure to keep separate i.e. two toothbrushes.

According to Dr. Ellie Phillips of Texas, use one toothbrush in the evening and another in the morning, so you have 24 hours between using both toothbrushes.

For those who use a toothbrush, it is recommended to replace it with a standard toothbrush every three to six months. Some experts recommend soaking the bristles in antibacterial mouthwash for 30 seconds to clean the toothbrush. 

Some dentists are now recommending the use of electric toothbrushes instead of regular toothbrushes. However, brushing your teeth with household products that do not contain fluoride can cause damage to your teeth.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Drinking Water Mistakes.

Drinking Water Mistakes

Water is an essential part of life and life without it is unimaginable. About 60% of the human body's composition consists of water. Adequate hydration ensures that all essential body functions run smoothly, such as the movement of nutrients from one place to another, the regulation of body temperature, and the supply of essential fats to the joints.

However, most people make some mistakes while drinking water, keep in mind while drinking water that even a small mistake can affect your health. Be safe from them.

Overindulging in water consumption:

Simultaneously consuming excessive amounts of water can disrupt the body's electrolyte balance, leading to a lethargic feeling. Never sip water while you're thirsty: When a person is thirsty, not drinking water can lead to dehydration, which impairs the body's ability to operate as a whole. To avoid dehydration, make sure you consume enough water throughout the day.

Drinking water while standing:

By drinking water while standing, the body neither absorbs nor digests this fluid in a better way. So try to drink water sitting down and taking small sips.

Use of unnecessary sweeteners:

Adding other sweeteners such as different syrups to water to make it taste better can increase the sugar levels in the body, which is why it's not a good choice at all. Use natural foods such as lemons and cucumbers to enhance the taste of water.

Drink water quickly:

Taking large sips of water or drinking too fast can cause discomfort, gas, and bloating. Always drink water slowly and in small sips so that you can absorb it better and avoid digestive problems.

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High Heel Risks.

High Heel Risks

Many women believe that wearing high-heeled shoes makes them look more attractive because of which their confidence increases, but researchers say that high-heeled shoes cause back pain and strain in the calves.

While choosing a good shoe, remember that high heels can cause long-term health problems for the feet and spine as high heels disrupt the balance of the body and directly impact the bones.

Be fashionable but also take care of your health, it not only damages the delicate bones of the foot joints and leg muscles but also the lower back and even the neck and shoulders.

Heel pain is caused by the constant wearing of the heel, which directly damages the muscles, and the pain is even worse when you wear flat shoes or slippers.

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Pomegranate Benefits.

Pomegranate Benefits

Peeling a pomegranate may seem difficult, but eating its juicy red seeds makes all the effort worthwhile.

Apart from the taste, this delicious fruit is also very beneficial for health. Eating it makes the body healthy and reduces the risk of various diseases.

Knowing some of the benefits of pomegranate will enhance the taste of this fruit for you.

Good source of fiber:

Half a cup of pomegranate seeds provides the body with 5 grams of fiber, which is 18 percent of the daily requirement.

Pomegranate is high in fiber which is not easily absorbed by the body.

This type of fiber plays an important role in keeping the digestive system healthy and provides protection against constipation.

Similarly, it becomes easier to control the blood sugar while also not feeling the untimely hunger.

Useful for blood vessels: Pomegranate increases the effect of nitric oxide in the body, which dilates blood vessels. Nitric oxide also improves blood flow during physical activity. The risk of cancer is reduced: As mentioned above, pomegranate is high in antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative stress. According to some research reports, eating pomegranate can help prevent bladder, breast, lung, and colon cancer.

Rich in antioxidants:

Pomegranate seeds are high in polyphenol antioxidants.

Polyphenols are compounds that fight against unstable molecules that damage cells.

These molecules are also called free radicals.

Pomegranate contains flavonoids, a type of polyphenols that are very beneficial for health while reducing the risk of various diseases such as high blood pressure and cancer.

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Drinking with straws..

  The practice of drinking drinks through straws has spread all over the world for convenience, earlier plastic straws were used for this an...