Sunday, October 29, 2023

Headache Causes.

Headache Causes

Having a headache is a common thing that almost everyone in the world suffers from, but its causes are varied and dozens, which should not be taken lightly.

Headaches can be treated with medications, home remedies, and biofeedback therapy, but sometimes the problem becomes severe enough to require full treatment.

The cause of headache is not only lack of sleep or mental stress, the type of pain varies depending on the intensity and location. Blood pressure is also a major cause of headaches. There are more than 150 types of headaches clinically.

Do not take any medicine without knowing the cause of the pain otherwise, its results will be dangerous because people give importance to the medicine prescribed by the vendor which is not correct in any way.

It is wrong to take disprin in any type of headache, especially children should not be given this tablet at all and adults should not take it on a daily basis.

A few tips to ease headaches:

1. Add plenty of water to your diet.

2. If you have a fever or cold, rest as much as possible.

3. Try to keep yourself calm and stress-free as worry and anxiety increase headaches.

Apart from this, according to 'Harvard Health Publishing', headaches can also be avoided with yoga, meditation, and relaxation therapy.

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